A prolific Australian novelist, Guy Boothby was noted for sensational fiction in variety magazines around the end of the nineteenth century. His most famous creation is Dr. Nikola, an occultist criminal mastermind, who serves as a Victorian forerunner to Fu Manchu. This comprehensive eBook presents Boothby's collected works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 2)
* Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Boothby's life and works
* Concise introductions to key novels
* All of the Doctor Nikola books
* 28 novels, with individual contents tables
* Includes rare novels appearing for the first time in digital publishing, including A LOST ENDEAVOUR, A BRIGHTON TRAGEDY and many more
* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts
* Excellent formatting of the texts
* Rare short story collections, appearing here for the first time in digital print
* Includes Boothby's rare travel writing book
* Features a brief biography on Boothby
* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres
* Updated with two more novels: 'The Curse of the Snake' (1902) and 'In Spite of the Czar' (1905)
The Doctor Nikola Books
A Bid for Fortune (1895)
Dr. Nikola (1896)
The Lust of Hate (1898)
Dr. Nikola's Experiment (1899)
"Farewell, Nikola" (1901)
The Novels
In Strange Company (1894)
A Lost Endeavour (1895)
The Marriage of Esther (1895)
The Beautiful White Devil (1896)
Sheila McLeod (1897)
Across the World for a Wife (1898)
Pharos, the Egyptian (1899)
Love Made Manifest (1899)
The Red Rat's Daughter (1899)
A Sailor's Bride (1899)
"Long Live the King!" (1900)
A Maker of Nations (1900)
The Woman of Death (1900)
A Cabinet Secret (1901)
A Millionaire's Love Story (1901)
The Mystery of the Clasped Hands (1901)
My Strangest Case (1901)
The Childerbridge Mystery (1902)
The Curse of the Snake (1902)
The Kidnapped President (1902)
A Brighton Tragedy (1905)
In Spite of the Czar (1905)
The Race of Life (1906)
The Shorter Fiction
A Prince of Swindlers (1900)
Uncle Joe's Legacy, and Other Stories (1902)
The Crime of the Under-Seas (1905)
Miscellaneous Tales
The Travel Book
On the Wallaby (1894)
The Biography
Brief Biography: Guy Boothby (1912) by Gabriel Stanley Woods