An Athenian orator and statesman, Aeschines was the great rival of Demosthenes, being later ranked as one of the ten Attic orators. He advocated peace with Philip II of Macedonia, but was eventually defeated and discredited by Demosthenes. Aeschines then left Athens to set up a school of rhetoric at Rhodes. As a master of Greek oratory, Aeschines' speeches are regarded as second to only Demosthenes', serving as important documents for the study of Athenian diplomacy and politics. Delphi's Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Greek texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Aeschines' complete extant works, with illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)
Please visit to explore our range of Ancient Classics titles or buy the entire series as a Super Set
The Translations
The Speech against Timarchus
The Speech on the Embassy
The Speech against Ctesiphon
The Greek Texts
List of Greek Texts
The Dual Texts
Dual Greek and English Texts
The Biographies
Demosthenes by Plutarch
Aeschines by Pseudo-Plutarch
The Life of Aeschines by C. D. Adams
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