Considered by the World Health Organization to be the most widely-used health care manual in the world, Where There Is No Doctor provides easy-to-understand information on how to identify, treat, and prevent many common health issues. Inside you'll find:
Heavily illustrated and written in plain language, this handbook emphasizes addressing the underlying causes of poor health and focuses on cleanliness, healthy diet, vaccinations, and appropriate, cautious use of medicines. Useful for health workers, educators, and others involved in primary care and health promotion, Where There Is No Doctor has been translated into over 75 languages around the world. This practical and trusted guide helps readers protect and care for their own health and that of their families and communities.
The latest reprint (March 2024, 20th printing) includes current medication information such as updates on antibiotics and other medicines, HIV treatment and prevention, malaria treatment, and prevention of pre-eclampsia for pregnant people. It expands further on diabetes, heart problems, family planning, reproductive health, and much more.
About Hesperian Health Guides: Hesperian partners with health workers, community members, medical professionals, and others around the world to develop, publish, and share accurate health information. To help all people take greater control over their health, Hesperian's books are written using plain, easy-to-understand language, feature plentiful illustrations and are regularly updated with the latest medical information.