Reverse and prevent inflammation naturally using the strategies discussed in this book!
It is estimated that three in every five deaths worldwide is related to a chronic inflammatory disease like diabetes, obesity, heart disorders, chronic respiratory diseases, and others.
If you didn't think inflammation as a catalyst to killer diseases, now is the time to think of it in those terms! If you are still wondering how diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and chronic respiratory diseases have to do with chronic inflammation, you need this book to determine the connection!
If you thought inflammation is the swelling on your body following an accident such a bruise, cut, or allergic reaction, think again; this inflammation (the painful type that kicks in shortly after injury/exposure) is what you should be celebrating! What you need to be scared/weary of is the inflammation that lurks in the shadows wreaking havoc for months or even years before any symptoms can be seen. And this inflammation is the chronic inflammation, which you must address!
Lucky for you, this book has the ins and outs of chronic inflammation to help you to fight a winning battle.
In this book, you will learn:
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