As a self-sufficient do-it-yourselfer, welding is a skill you need in your portfolio of know-how. In this installment in the National FFA Organization (Future Farmers of America)–licensed Everything You Need to Know series, experienced welding instructor Todd Bridigum shows young adults how to get started and then safely and self-assuredly acquire these valuable skills. Some topics covered include:
All popular types of welding variants are covered: gas welding, shielded metal arc (or stick) welding, gas metal arc welding (MIG), gas tungsten arc welding (TIG), brazing, and soldering. The book is completely illustrated with captioned, step-by-step color photography that helps you fully understand the techniques described.
With this thorough and fully illustrated all-color tutorial by an experienced welding teacher, you can get on the path fabricating and fixing metals on your own.